28-30 October, 2023
Krakow, Poland


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Kraków has a thousand-year-old history. The former seat of the Polish kings and the capital of the country, nowadays is an important European metropolis. Krakow’s Old Town is a unique treasury of works of art, historic monuments, and historic buildings, representing almost all architectural styles, from the Middle Ages to the present day. For hundreds of years, the Main Market Square has remained the heart of the city. It is the largest town square of medieval Europe, preserved in unchanged form since 1257 and included in the first list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites already in 1978. Krakow is also a city vibrating with cultural life. In 2000, it was chosen to be the European Capital of Culture and in 2013 was awarded the title of the UNESCO City of Literature. Every year, nearly 100 festivals and other world-famous cultural events take place here. To explore the city more check the must see attractions here https://visitkrakow.com/sightseeing-in-krakow/