Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is CLOSED. Thank you for sending your abstracts!

The 2nd International Conference of the Eastern European Eating Disorders Network is offering a possibility to take part in the open-paper sessions. Participants who are willing to attend the conference with their contributions, are kindly invited to submit their abstracts for two types of presentations:


Requirements for oral and poster contributions

  1. Please submit your abstract in English language.

  2. Please indicate if your contribution is for oral or poster paper session. 
  3. The title of your abstract should be written in UPPER CASE letters.

  4. Please list all authors and co-authors with presenter first (family name, first name, institution, country).

  5. Maximum of 2 abstracts per person can be submitted for the conference. 
  6. Please indicate the keywords for your contribution.

  7. The body of your abstract should be organized as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, one or two references maximum.

  8. Please limit the body of the abstract to 400 words (excluding the title and author names). Any abstract over 400 words will not be considered.

  9. Use single spacing and do not exceed one page of A4.

  10. It is the author’s responsibility to submit technically and grammatically correct abstract. No revision or corrections will be made by the Organizers.
  11. All abstracts should be submitted using EEEDN 2023 Abstract Template  and followed by the guidelines provided on this page. Please use this form only. Changes in the format or font are not acceptable. 

Submission procedure and deadlines

  1. All abstracts should be submitted by July 31, 2023. No abstracts and any corrections will be accepted after this date.
  2. Abstract should be prepared using EEEDN 2023 Abstract Template   and sent by e-mail as PPT or PDF to registration@eeedn2023.org.
  3. Together with abstract submission the main author is required to register for the conference using the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM. Registration payment will be required after notification of abstract acceptance.
  4. Please name the file of your submission accordingly: “first name_last name_ORAL/POSTER” and save it as a PPT or PDF file.
  5. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent by August 10  After this date all presenting authors will be invited to register and make registration payments to the conference.
  6. In total 24 oral presentations will be accepted for the conference, the rest will be accepted as poster presentations.
  7. Accepted contributions will be included in the electronic Abstract Book only from authors with paid registrations.
  8. Duration of accepted oral papers: 10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for questions and exchange with the audience.
  9. Accepted poster presentations will be presented on digital screens at the conference venue using your submitted poster abstract (no additional poster material will be required). 

For any questions, please contact us at registration@eeedn2023.org