28-30 October, 2023
Krakow, Poland


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Registration to the Conference is closed. See you onsite!

Registration rates are in EUR, VAT included.

Registration fees Early Late  On-site
  until 01-09-2023 02-09-2023 until 27-10-2023  28-30 10 2023
Regular participants (non-NIS*) €180.00 €225.00 €275.00
Participants from the Newly Independent States (NIS*) €125.00 €150.00 €200.00
Participants from Ukraine** €50.00 €50.00 €50.00
Students*** (Bachelor, Master, PhD) €75.00 €90.00 €115.00
Students NIS* €50.00 €60.00 €75.00
Gala dinner €50.00 €55.00 €65.00
Lunch (Oct 29-30) €50.00 €50.00 €50.00

* the Newly Independent States is a description designating all former Soviet republics except the Baltic countries. Registration fee is applied according to participant’s nationality, not the country of residence. 

** Participants from Ukraine can apply for sponsorship, which includes free travel, accommodation and gala dinner. A limited number of seats is available and early registration is recommended. For more information write to: events@rethinkingmnh.org.

*** Proof of student ID will be required onsite.



Учасники з України можуть взяти участь у конкурсі на отримання спонсорської допомоги, яка покриває витрати на трансфер з України до Кракова, проживання та участь у Gala dinner. Така допомога буде надана 50 українським фахівцям. Всі інші учасники можуть відвідати конференцію на загальних умовах, покривши всі витрати самостійно.

Подати заявку на допомогу потрібно у вигляді МОТИВАЦІЙНОГО ЛИСТА на е-mail:  slavaukraini@eeedn2023.org до 1 вересня 2023 р.

При отриманні спонсорської допомоги, участь у конференції у розмірі 50 EUR оплачується кожним учасником самостійно.

Registration fee includes:

  • Scientific program
  • Welcome reception
  • Delegate kit
  • Coffee breaks
  • Certificate of attendance

Simultaneous translation: The main language of the conference is English. For delegates who wish to avail of it, at no extra charge, there will also be simultaneous translation into Ukrainian and Russian languages, and we would ask you to please indicate your preference when completing the conference registration form online.

Ways of payment:

Payments by credit card and bank transfer are available during registration online. Please choose the option “Pay online now” if you would like to pay by credit card, otherwise you will receive an invoice and bank details for making the payment by bank transfer.

Important! Please indicate the delegate’s full name, surname and invoice number in the subject of the bank transfer. The payment can be made on behalf of the participant, however, do not forget to indicate the name and surname of the participant who will be attending the Conference.


All invoices are generated automatically after registration online and sent together with e-tickets by e-mail. 

Refunds and cancellations, alterations

Any cancellation or alteration of your registration must be notified in writing to Conference Secretariat at registration@eeedn2023.org and will be subject to the following conditions:

Cancellation and refund policy

  • Cancellations received by 1 September 2023 – full refund available with 10% administrative fee deducted.
  • Cancellations received from 2 September 2023 until 1 October 2023 – 50% of paid registration fees will be refunded.
  • Registrations cancelled from 2 October 2023 will not be eligible for a refund.

For any questions regarding the registration procedure please contact us at registration@eeedn2023.org