Fernando Fernandez-Aranda


Fernando Fernandez-Aranda, Distinguished Professor (School of Medicine, University of Barcelona), Specialist in Clinical Psychology, has been the Director of the Eating Disorders (ED) Unit at the Clinical Psychology Unit (University Hospital Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain), current Scientific Director of Research Institute IDIBELL, Director of CIBERobn (Excellence Spanish Research Network for Obesity and Nutrition), co-Head of Research Group CIBERobn and co-Head of Group Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviours (IDIBELL). He is former president of the Eating Disorders Research Society (EDRS) and Co-Chair of the ED Section of the World Psychiatric Association (2018-2023). Current co-Chair of the ED Section of the World Psychiatric Association. He obtained his PhD in Psychology in 1996 at the University of Hamburg (Germany), his BP in 1990 (Clinical Psychology) at the University of Barcelona. His previous appointments were as a Clinical Psychologist at the Psychiatric University Hospital of Hamburg (1994-1995), long-term predoctoral Research Fellowship in Hannover, Germany (1992-1993) and Consultant Psychologist at the Department of Psychiatry, HUB in Barcelona (1996-03). He gave more than 400 invited lectures in International or National professional Psychology, Psychiatry, Nutrition/Endocrinology Conferences and is actively involved as recognized Supervisor in Continuous Teaching in ED, and relevant member of several international professionals Associations (AED, ED Research Society). Fellow of the AED, Past-Editor in Chief of European Eating Disorders Review (2011-2022) and awarded with the Meehan Hartley Award for Public Service and/or Advocacy-2004, leadership Research Award-2015, and Hilde Bruch Lecture Award-2017 (University of Tübingen, Germany). He received several additional awards on development and innovation (Best European Video game for health-2011; Best Spanish Research Ideas-Diario Medico 2011). He has been IP in several International/ EU Grants (15) and in National Grants (21). He published more than 477 English peer-reviewed manuscripts in international journals.

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2968-9898

Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/2482131/fernando-fernandez-aranda/