Nikolett Bogár


Nikolett Bogár, Pharm.D., (1993-) is a pharmacist, Budapest, Hungary.
Education: Semmelweis University, Budapest (2013-2018).
Formerly she was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa in 2007. In 2011 she started modeling (Paris, Milan, London, New York, Tokyo, etc.) for fashion houses such as Giorgo Armani, Chanel, Dolce&Gabbana, Dior amongst others. She quit modeling in 2013 and started her academic career.
Scientific interest: sociocultural background of eating disorders, especially the role of the fashion industry in the maintenance of the slimness ideal. She published on this topic in scientific journals such as in European Eating Disorders Review, and the study was represented in several conferences with great success ( Kongress Essstörüngen 2016, Alpbach, Austria, ECED 2019 Paris, ECED 2022 Belfast).